:. About .:

living dreams

belief of the moment:
Love; sensationalism; cause & effect; Beauty; zeteticism (then absurdism); environmentalism; risk, subtlety, & relativity; explorative hedonist humanism; good(evil

formal education:
NYU (2.5) - History, Renaissance Man (creative writing, philosophy, music theory, east asian studies, political science, cooking [chemistry], anatomy via dance, sculpture, art history, and consumerism studies)
TCD (1) - Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, History, Business, and Law

some interests*:
Love, vim, variegated stimulation, theatrics, games, dancing, existing, playful athletics, Richard Blackman, singing, vast lexicons, politics, Robert A. Wilson, freerunning, Garrison Keillor, (body) surfing, soccer tricks, tennis, running, (open water) swimming, (touch) rugby, racquetball, cycling (especially for exploring), martial arts, (ultimate) frisbee, sociological/fitness/psychological studies/theories, history, cuddling, Tolkien, deep sleep, (int'l) pop culture, (int'l) eclectic culture, minimalism, eating raw, language, anarcho-primitivism, engineering & manipulation

"mission statement":

*all lists are in no particular order, except music (which is alphabetical).
NOTE: music and movie lists are a mix of influential and recommended, not necessarily both.

If you would like to financially encourage & support my endeavours, a donation (of any amount) is always tremendously appreciated!

Monday, April 7


Feel free to comment on any of my posts with whatever you feel like saying. I set up the blog so that you don't need a Google account to make comments. You can also post anonymously, in case you're worried someone else reading this blog will get upset with your encouragement/critique/whatever.

I'm just another human being trying to enjoy and understand the world around me, so all comments are totally welcome/appreciated! If your comment is more pertinent to a previous post, feel free to comment on that post; I get an email with your comment and which post it pertains to, so if you comment on my 'testing, 1-2-3' post a year from now, I'll get and understand it easily.

Also, as noted at the bottom of the last post, I'm trying to regain a better command of the English language. I've recognized/realized the truth of “use it or lose it,” and I notice that the less I read/write, the worse my vocabulary gets. SO, if you see a phrase I use that could be a word, etc., PLEASE let me know.


...the rest of the pictures from Italy still aren't up; apologies. I'd check back every week if I were you!

that's a wrap. (DON'T SKIP OVER THE BELOW POST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'VE READ IT BEFORE. Blogspot organizes posts by dates, so multiple posts on one date are under the same heading. I.E. the post below is not the "I'm as mad as hell" post...)

-go for It!

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