:. About .:

living dreams

belief of the moment:
Love; sensationalism; cause & effect; Beauty; zeteticism (then absurdism); environmentalism; risk, subtlety, & relativity; explorative hedonist humanism; good(evil

formal education:
NYU (2.5) - History, Renaissance Man (creative writing, philosophy, music theory, east asian studies, political science, cooking [chemistry], anatomy via dance, sculpture, art history, and consumerism studies)
TCD (1) - Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, History, Business, and Law

some interests*:
Love, vim, variegated stimulation, theatrics, games, dancing, existing, playful athletics, Richard Blackman, singing, vast lexicons, politics, Robert A. Wilson, freerunning, Garrison Keillor, (body) surfing, soccer tricks, tennis, running, (open water) swimming, (touch) rugby, racquetball, cycling (especially for exploring), martial arts, (ultimate) frisbee, sociological/fitness/psychological studies/theories, history, cuddling, Tolkien, deep sleep, (int'l) pop culture, (int'l) eclectic culture, minimalism, eating raw, language, anarcho-primitivism, engineering & manipulation

"mission statement":

*all lists are in no particular order, except music (which is alphabetical).
NOTE: music and movie lists are a mix of influential and recommended, not necessarily both.

If you would like to financially encourage & support my endeavours, a donation (of any amount) is always tremendously appreciated!

Monday, April 7

greatness=coolness matured**

Awww yea, it's blogging time. I left off last week with a teaser about Japan and Haruki Murakami. I've recently rediscovered an attraction for Japanese culture and plan to stay in Japan for most—if not all—of next summer (after I graduate). I've already started free, podcast language lessons and 'will probably invest in all of the materials at JapanesePod101.com later this summer. I'm catching myself up on the history, festivals, and all that, at lunch when I go to Aya (Sushi Bar) for my “lazy afternoon” sush/sashimi special (1.50/euro plate on the conveyer belt). Luckily someone made a blog about smoke-free areas in Japan, because ~50% of Japanese males smoke!

Haruki Murakami is a 'postmodern' Japanese author who you can read more about here. I've been reading various biographies and interviews of Haruki at my daily Aya lunch, and 'am relatively attracted to the man. He was heavily influenced by Western culture growing up, and then started a jazz cafe before writing. From what I've read, he likes remaining lowkey (despite his popstar status in Asia) and nomadic, and he embraces unconventional careers. Haruki also believes physical fitness is important to his writing style. Hopefully I haven't built him up too much for when I actually pick up A Wild Sheep Chase.

Musically, I've been streaming PopExperiment Radio and have found myself attracted to, and researching, 'experimental' media (novels, films, music, etc.).

I bought a thyme shrub for my room, which allegedly purifies the air while simultaneously giving me courage! So far, no noticeable differences.

However, I did muster the courage to go to a fun, outlook-altering party Friday night. It was the 21st of this beautiful girl whom I met at the beginning of the year during Fresher's Week. She signed me up for the Harriers (Athletics/Running) Club, but I chose rowing instead; when I gave up rowing, I pretty much gave up organized sports altogether. Basically, I hadn't seen her since Fresher's Week; but I'm on the mailing list for the athletic club, and she invited the club to her 21st, explaining there would be live music, free food, and her! The combination of entertainment, food, and confidence was pretty hard to turn down. Yet, I probably wouldn't know anyone—at all. That used to excite me, but now adays I prefer a bit more 'certainty of enjoyment' for my events. However, Trinity Ball (“Europe's largest private party!”) is coming up, and I am—alas—dateless. So I figured maybe I'd meet someone at the party...
...long story short, many of the people at the party were family friends, etc. and didn't really know the girl's school friends, so I got along with a lot of people on that commonground. The live music was fun, there were free drinks (beer/wine), and lots of free food (salmon, ham, turkey, lasagne, salads, fruit, 7+ cakes)! I felt somewhat underdressed as the adult portion of the party were in formal attire, but most of the people my age were in similar jeans/t-shirt. I did meet lots of cute girls, but still have no date for the Ball (yet I have not given up hope!). And, a friend from the International Students Society showed up, so that was great because we left early together; she had summer-tourism training the next day, and I had a hike.

The hike was fun; 'small group (6-7) of us went to Greystones (seatown south of Dublin) and walked to Bray (seatown closer to Dublin). It was a picturesque, (lush,) seacliff walk and the “guide” (postgrad/assistant faculty) grew up around the area; he explained a whole lot to us (about the train system, history, environmentalism, etc.). I had some technological & cultural discussions with a postgrad, computer-science student from Dubai, and then some more cultural discussions with a postgrad from China. Overall, a refreshing walk ending with a filling, pub meal = GOOD DEAL. [90% raw food diet...]

That night I went to a friend's for a BBQ (I brought sashimi...and sake!), which was really fun as well. There were two guys (late-20s) from my Scotland trip, and then four girls (most late-20s-ish) who all (guys & girls) knew each other through each other or from the Judo club; the host of that night is the same man who gave me a jujitsu* lesson a couple weeks back (I believe he's a 1st Dan, which is one up from blackbelt, I think...). *jujitsu practice is done under the TCD Judo Club due to bizarre Trinity College Societies regulations

Anyway, fun weekend. I saw Why We Fight with Devin Saturday night (after the BBQ), which is a 2005 film discussing why America fights wars (pros/cons, etc.). 'Definitely worth a watch.

Outlook altered:
For those of you still with me (I realize this is a long post), I mentioned earlier that the party changed my outlook on life.

It was great to hang around a certain crowd who seemed to share the same understandings/assumptions/knowledge of life and who I could just 'exist' with and not have to discuss philosophy or whatever (because we were all pretty much in total agreement). I know that sounds really cliché or whatever, but it was really refreshing. However, it also made me feel like I have recently been living a ridiculous life. Whereas many people just move on/forward, I have recently ('last five years) been really into examining, discussing, and double-checking myself, which has meant that I haven't moved forward with my discoveries (as much as I, retrospectively, wish I had). A lot of this has to do with a long-held belief that all human beings have similar potential; I've ran my intellectual wheels in one place for so long trying to get everyone around me (including myself) on board with a universal perspective/understanding, that I've just spun a hole in the ground that has prevented me (and some others) from moving forward, while also “indoctrinating” others into a certain belief. i.e. I've spent a lot of time questioning and debating my theories/discoviers with others' input, which is time I could (and now plan to) spend finding the people/friends/events that are in line with my views/understanding and then going from there. On the other hand, the downside of living a life without much reflection is a weaker interaction with the Truths of life (perhaps even with life itself), and less (or no) empathy for people with strong views.
In conclusion, I don't totally (if much at all) regret my past decisions, but I am definitely at a stage of “moving forward” and I am sooo ready for it! I'm hanggliding out of the ivory tower.

And for a taste of things to come: Kristoff (NYU buddy) has recently gotten really into swing (dancing), and he's asked me to learn this choreagraphed dance with him for the fall.

**to clarify my elitism (a term I use mostly for the “I like sounding controversial”*** effect): I believe in a loose hierarchy of greatness; this equation is more/less the highest point.

***I'm trying to regain a better command of the English language. If you see a phrase I use that could be a word, etc., please let me know.

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