:. About .:

living dreams

belief of the moment:
Love; sensationalism; cause & effect; Beauty; zeteticism (then absurdism); environmentalism; risk, subtlety, & relativity; explorative hedonist humanism; good(evil

formal education:
NYU (2.5) - History, Renaissance Man (creative writing, philosophy, music theory, east asian studies, political science, cooking [chemistry], anatomy via dance, sculpture, art history, and consumerism studies)
TCD (1) - Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, History, Business, and Law

some interests*:
Love, vim, variegated stimulation, theatrics, games, dancing, existing, playful athletics, Richard Blackman, singing, vast lexicons, politics, Robert A. Wilson, freerunning, Garrison Keillor, (body) surfing, soccer tricks, tennis, running, (open water) swimming, (touch) rugby, racquetball, cycling (especially for exploring), martial arts, (ultimate) frisbee, sociological/fitness/psychological studies/theories, history, cuddling, Tolkien, deep sleep, (int'l) pop culture, (int'l) eclectic culture, minimalism, eating raw, language, anarcho-primitivism, engineering & manipulation

"mission statement":

*all lists are in no particular order, except music (which is alphabetical).
NOTE: music and movie lists are a mix of influential and recommended, not necessarily both.

If you would like to financially encourage & support my endeavours, a donation (of any amount) is always tremendously appreciated!

Saturday, April 12

good enough, redux

as far as the blog itself, I added a navigation menu (above) to help with the loosely-organized overload of information. I finally got a quote-rotator to work (every visit to my blog=different quote [out of 5, for now]), so half of the sidebar is no longer taken up by paragraphs of not-Galen (thank heavens!). I also divided up the media links into 'serious' and 'interesting'; 'serious' media will be media which I find more profound than fascinating. It is not so much a division of quality as it is a division of nourishment.

I also plan to add labels to my posts, which will make them more easily searchable; specifically, labels dividing 'personal' posts from 'blog-related' posts such as this one. I might also start posting poetry/short stories/visual art/all-of-the-above-in-one, and those might be labelled 'creative.'

My blog is alive, with the sound of music! I added 12 more songs to the playlist, and put it on shuffle. Unfortunately, the 'shuffle' feature is not very smart; like my quote-rotator, it will often alternate between 3 songs/quotes before moving on to a different one. Luckily, we're humans—not drones—so you can click the >> button until you find a song more to your liking. Or, should you be so inclined, even [] the music altogether!! *gasp*

I plan to get Italy and Newgrange pictures up by the end of the weekend; thanks for hanging in there!

To a fun weekend ahead,



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